Wednesday, 5 November 2014


As a kid indomie was his best food as a matter of fact it was the major food he ate. But in as much as he enjoyed eating it there was still something about the indomie his mother cooked for him that he wasn’t able to understand.
What made him like indomie was the fact that whenever he watches the advert they always advertise it with a chicken on top and on the wrapper it also shows that indomie has chicken, so as a kid it was only reasonable to believe that indomie comes with a chicken inside it. Whenever he asks his mother about the chicken that normal comes with the indomie as he sees it in the advert, his mother will always say “you are too small to eat indomie that has chicken”. He never bought this excuses because he knew that he should probably be of the same age range with those kids they use in the advert so he probably thought his mother was eating the chicken by herself and for that he hated his mother. 

One day when the mother came back from the market, she left all the items she bought on the table and ran to ease herself, Bolu noticed that her mum had gone to the toilet and it was the perfect time for him to see what is mother use to do with the chicken inside the indomie but to his surprise as he opened the indomie there was nothing there, I mean no chicken and this made him very confuse and sad. As he continues to stare at the indomie without a chicken inside his mum met him there, she asked him why he didn’t wait for her to come cook the indomie for him.

After telling his mum why he opened the indomie and what his intention was. His mother told him the truth that indomie don’t normally come with chicken saying the  advert connote that people could eat indomie with chicken but promised him that when next he would be eating indomie he will eat it with a chicken and it will also be like that from now on. Knowing how expense chicken was at that time he knew his mum will have to break the bank for him to be eating indomie with chicken everyday so he told his mum not to worry about it saying he just always thought indomie had it own chicken inside it. He felt betrayed by the indomie advert because he believed so much in it not knowing that it is only to a selling method.

Now Bolu is grown man and he is now a lawyer and he is ready to sue indomie for advertising what their product does not have with their product. His case is simple, why advertise and draw chicken on the wrapper of indomie when indomie doesn’t come with its own special chicken. His argument is that this act has lead many kids using himself as a case study to believe that indomie comes with a chicken and by so doing the kids are been deceive to always want to eat indomie and their mothers are left to make up a reason why they don’t always get to eat it with chicken or even spend a fortune on chicken so that their kid could just be happy.

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