Monday, 22 September 2014


When you mistakenly call a Nigerian man at 2pm
Caller: hello
HaFeesto'Nova: hello
Caller: how are you Yomi?
HaFeesto'Nova: this is not Yomi
Caller: if this aint Yomi then who is this
HaFeesto'Nova: see question oooo I said this aint Yomi abi do I sound like Yomi ni
HaFeesto’Nova: better check the number well
Caller: but am pretty sure this is yomi number
HaFeesto'Nova: e be like say u don smoke this afternoon abi
HaFeesto'Nova: I say no be Yomi number be this abi something they worry u ni.....
When u mistakenly call a white person at 3am
Caller: hello
White person: hello
Caller: Williams how are you?
White person: sorry this aint Williams
Caller: if this is aint Williams then who is this
White person: this is Andrews
Caller: but this is Williams’s number
White person: am sorry this aint Williams number
White person: you must have dialed the wrong number
Caller: but am pretty sure I dial the right number
White person:  why not check the number again and re dial maybe you missed a digit
Caller: alright thank you
White person: no problem at all I am glad I could help
White person: just in case you call and you still don't get through
White person: call me back let figure it out together.
After 10mins the white person will call the number back
White person: hello
Receiver: hello
White person: it me Andrews
White person: you mistakenly called me instead of Williams
White person: I wanna be sure if you have gotten through to Williams
White person: if not maybe there is a way I could help
GOSH....White people are just so nice

Gotten from Kate Williams show
Written by HaFeesto’Nova (#T.I.M)

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