Thursday, 9 July 2015


People do a lot of annoy things while they are asleep and they practically have no idea they are doing it.
Most times when they are told about what they did while asleep they would blame it on stress and some would claim they knew what they were doing but it should be noted that for a person that is suffering from a real sleep disorder, actions are out of their own control, and they don’t even know what they are doing because they are, in fact, asleep. Action like sleep talking, sleep walking and even sleep farting are some of the common sleeping disorder that we know, below are some list of the most weirdest and dangerous sleep disorder we have.

1.  Sleep Eating: This is very different from you eating in your dream, someone that has this disorder actually eat while they are asleep. These people get up in the night and go straight to the kitchen to eat and when they wake up the next morning they won’t remember doing it. What sleep eaters desire mostly are junk food and snacks.

2.  Sleep Sex: As funny as it might sound this is actually a real sleeping disorder. Sexsomnia as it is been called is an extreme rare sleep disorder and some people have tried to use it as a defense for raping someone else, or attempted rape.

3.  Sleep Cheating: This is one of the scandalous side effects of sexsomnia. Sleep sex disorder can cause the victim to have sex with strangers and people other than their love ones.

4.  Sleep Anger: Have every wondered why sometimes you wake up looking all confuse and angry, most especially when someone wakes you up from your sleep? This disorder is known as Sleep Anger and it’s technically referred to as confusional arousal disorder. It happens more often when people are woken up in the early stages of their sleep, and it tends to run in families

5.  Sleep Talking: This is pretty common and I for one was once a victim of this disorder. It is referred to as “somniloquy” and the awful thing is that while some people may just murmuring disjointedly in their sleep, there are people that can hold full conversations while asleep and not remember it the next day.

6.  Sleep Cooking: Sleep cooking is often caused by using medications that are supposed to help you sleep, like Ambien. One of the effects of the drug is that it can cause you to cook a complete meal, although you might probably end up making a big mess.

7.  Sleep Driving: this is not the same thing as those who sleep off while driving, with this disorder, drivers were never awake when they got into the car and decided to go for a ride

8. Sleep Murder: There was a case long time ago about a man who murdered his in-laws while sleeping by strangling them. Because they were to establish that the man had a sleeping disorder and he actually had no knowledge of committing the murder, he wasn’t found guilty. As of 2000 the total number of 68 cases about murder while sleeping around the world.

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